The Unconscious Influence of Our Environment

Have you ever noticed how much your environment affects what you say, how you act, where you hang out, how you react to problems, and much, much more?

As a simple example, let’s say your best friend always uses the word “super” in conversations…  “Super cool, super loud, super fun, etc.”

If you spend enough time with him/her, you too will eventually talk like a 90s surfer.  That’s exactly what you were hoping for, right?

We can’t help ourselves.  It’s a scientifically proven phenomenon.  And often times, we don’t even know it’s happening.

Going a Step Further

Not only does the brain mirror physical actions (leaning in during a conversation) and verbal queues (the “super” example above), but it is also highly affected by emotions.  Often called “emotional contagion,” positive and negative energy spreads through groups of people like viruses.

This is why a complaining, gossiping, or generally negative employee can cause irreparable damage to an organization in the blink of an eye.

5 People - friends having a picnic outside with dog

In the Words of Jim Rohn

Based on the concepts of mirroring and emotional contagion, motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously coined the saying, “You’re the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.”  This could not be more true.

The five people around you are crucial to your success.  They should support you, make you laugh, challenge you, love you, and encourage you to be thankful.

Making it Personal

All of these points sound interesting, but they aren’t necessarily personal.  They don’t make you stop and think about your own life…

Maybe this will.

Who are your five people?  Who are the five people you spend most of your time with?

Write their names down on a piece of paper.  Next to each name, make a few notes—both positive and negative—about your relationship.

  • Do they challenge you to be a better person?
  • Is their outlook generally positive or negative?
  • Would you consider them to be a good influence?
  • How do you view the memories you’ve shared with this person?
  • Would you be proud to have them speak at your wedding, funeral, etc?

The interesting thing about life is the unrelenting, non-renewable nature of time.  Time matters above all.

Ask the tough questions.  Cut out the unnecessary.  Focus on the people and experiences that bring you the most joy.

Why would you spend your precious time with people who don’t inspire you to live life to the fullest?

See you next Sunday at 8:30pm.  🙂

Austin Rhoads headshot

About Me

Hi, I'm Austin.

After graduating from Elon University, I moved to Miami, FL through the Venture For America Fellowship Program.

Miami has since become my home where I spend my free time running, biking, taking pictures, and trying to become friends with Pitbull.

I'm always looking for the next challenge.  That's exactly why I started my own business-to-business sales company, launched the Miami Talent Pipeline, and most recently committed to sharing 52 ideas with you for the next year.

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