One of the primary reasons I started this blog last April was to push the limits of my comfort zone.  More than anything, I wanted to force myself to share.

Being an extremely private person, I never much cared for talking about my challenges, launching my ideas out into the open, discussing potentially controversial topics, and revealing inner aspects of my life.

To some degree, I think we’re all scared of sharing.

We’re fearful of letting people in and seeing the true us.  We’re fearful of the rejection that comes with putting our reputations on the line.  Most importantly, we’re hesitant to break the veil of confidence that has become so engrained in our society.

If you’ve read any of my articles, you know I often mention the word confidence.  I think self confidence is a crucial, learnable skill that can solve many of our problems.

However, I’m here to tell you today I’ve found confidence is not the only thing that matters.

Confidence is nothing without the ability to let people in and see the real you.

For years, I haven’t been the best friend, son, and boyfriend because I wasn’t able to let down my barriers.  All the confidence in the world can’t heal a relationship if you can’t tell that person how you feel.  A friend can’t lend a helping hand if they don’t know you’re struggling in the first place.

I always considered vulnerability to be a sign of weakness.  Nothing more, nothing less.  I thought nothing good could come out of showing people where/how I fall short.

My perception couldn’t be more wrong.

Showing who we truly are as individuals causes those around us to do the exact opposite — rally around us, support us, and make us even stronger.

This blog has been the perfect example…

Some of my most important clients now know I was scared shitless of sales a few months before signing our contract.  The world is fully aware of how I suck at confrontation.  People I was too embarrassed to call and talk to have received my handwritten letters.

I’ll be honest…  I’ve still got a long way to go in the sharing department.  But at least it’s getting better.

There are many things I still need to share, and I imagine you might be in a similar situation…

What’s holding us back? 

See you next Sunday at 8:30pm.  🙂

Note:  Next week’s article marks my last weekly newsletter for a while, so I do hope you’ll join me for some closing thoughts.

Have a good week ahead.


Austin Rhoads headshot

About Me

Hi, I'm Austin.

After graduating from Elon University, I moved to Miami, FL through the Venture For America Fellowship Program.

Miami has since become my home where I spend my free time running, biking, taking pictures, and trying to become friends with Pitbull.

I'm always looking for the next challenge.  That's exactly why I started my own business-to-business sales company, launched the Miami Talent Pipeline, and most recently committed to sharing 52 ideas with you for the next year.

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